Attorneys at Law

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Attorney at law Dr. David Einhaus (Partner)

Dr. David Einhaus is a three-time specialist lawyer (for international commercial law, for commercial and corporate law, for tax law) and head of division for national and international commercial law, in particular corporate and commercial law as well as tax law. This also includes the cross-border drafting of contracts, in particular in M&A transactions and corporate succession.  In the field of trade we are dealing with goods of all kinds, with a focus on the automotive, art, fashion and food sectors. Insolvency and reorganisation law including the restructuring of companies is also the responsibility of Dr. Einhaus, who has a doctorate in this field.

Due to his admission also in Italy (Avvocato), one of the main focuses is on Italy.


Dr. David Einhaus is the Head of the Business Law Division. This includes both corporate and commercial international law, national and international tax law, as well as national and international debt collection. The division is also responsible for insolvency law, competition law, and contract law. In addition, Dr. Einhaus is strengthened by his Italian law license in Italy (Avvocato), in particular commercial and civil law proceedings.

Curriculum Vitae

David Einhaus was born in 1971 in Freiburg im Breisgau. He is married and father of 5 children.


Education and career:

1990: Abitur.
1990-1995: Law studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany
1995-1997: Traineeship at the District Court in Freiburg, graduation with assessor examination.
1996: Elective stage in a law firm in Rome, specializing in European law.

Legal practice as German attorney at law (admitted to the bar of Freiburg) in Rome.

Publication of the article "UN Sales Law for Entrepreneurs" in Economic Report 5-6 of the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce Milan.
Publication of the essay "the Italian payment order procedure" in the newsletter of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internationalen Rechtsverkehr im Deutschen AnwaltVerein Nr.16 (Working Group for International Legal Transactions in the German Bar Association).

 Publication of the article "the Italian payment order procedure" in the Anwaltsblatt 3/99.
Publication of the article "the international reach of the German injunction procedure" in „Mitteilungsblatt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internationalen Rechtsverkehr“ in the Deutschen AnwaltVerein Nr.18.
 In May, lecture for the European Bar Association DACH on the new Settlement Directive for Lawyers 98/5/EC in Munich.
In October:  Passed the written aptitude test for EU lawyers in Rome, consisting of three written exam in the fields of administrative law, civil law and civil procedure law in Italian.

Passed the oral qualifying exam in Rome in January; since then as "Avvocato" according to information from the Freiburg Bar Association, the only lawyer of the chamber district known there who is also admitted to practice in Italy without restriction.
Publication of the article "Die Richtlinie 98/5/EG zur Erleichterung der ständige Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufs im Ausland" in the DACH-Schriftenreihe Nr.13 with the title "Das künftige Berufsbild des Anwalts in Europa", published by Verlag Dr.Otto Schmidt, Cologne.

Start of the dissertation with the topic "Reform development in Italian insolvency law" at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.

Admission to the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court.

Doctorate at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.

Sworn translator for the State of Baden-Württemberg by the President of the Regional Court of Freiburg.
Participation in the specialist attorney course for commercial and corporate law in Hamburg.

2007: The  Freiburg Bar Association confers the right to use the title "Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht" (specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law).

Publication of the essay "Choice: European or international German payment procedure?" on the new European payment procedure and on the international German payment procedure in the journal IPRax (Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts) and lecture on this topic at the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier.

Passed the exam to become a specialist lawyer for tax law.
Publication of the article "First experiences with the European order for payment" in the European Journal of Economic Law 2011, p. 865 ff.

2012: The Freiburg Bar Association confers the right to use the title "specialist lawyer for tax law".

2014 (to date):
Lecturer in the new specialist course for international business law at the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie (DAA) in Düsseldorf and Munich.

Lecturer at the congress "International Tax Law" of the German Lawyer Academy (DAA) in Spain on the topic "Italian Tax Law".
Lecturer in International Business Law at the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie (DAA) in Munich and Hamburg.
Dr. Einhaus successfully completed the specialist lawyer course for international business law.
In November 2015 lecturer at the Academy of European Law (ERA) and the Polish Bar Association on International Procedural and Civil Procedure Law in Warsaw (Poland).

2016: The Freiburg Bar Association confers the right to use the title "Fachanwalt für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (specialist lawyer for international business law)."

2017:In  December lecturer at the ERA-event of the Latvian Ministry of Justice "Civil Procedure - topical issues of Latvian and Cross- border regulation" in Riga (Latvia) for the training of the Latvian judiciary, especially the bailiffs for the presentation of the topic "Enforcement documents in all EU civil matters regulations".

Lecturer in the specialist course for international business law at the German Lawyers' Academy (DAA) in Frankfurt a.M.


Lecturer at the 10th German-Italian Lawyers Seminar at the Villa Vigoni on Lake Como on the topic "Cross-border execution".
Lecturer at the conference of the German-Italian Lawyers Association (DIJV) on "Cross-border recovery of claims for damages (IZPR including IPR issues)".


Lecturer on the topic "Corona and supply contracts in case of application of German contract and commercial law",  online seminar of the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie (DAA) on the topic "Corona and supply contracts - Incoterms 2020.

Publication of the CORONA insolvency rescission law related article "Das Insolvenzanfechtungsrecht des CORInsAG", Neue Zeitschrift für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (NZI) Heft 9, 2020 (p. 352).

Lecturer in webinar in Riga/Latvia for the Academy of European Law (ERA) on "Cross-border cooperation in civil matters: The EU Regulations on civil procedure”.

Lecturer at the 6th International Business Law Day on "Distribution law in cross-border trade between France, Italy and Germany".


Lecturer at the Freiburg Bar Association/VWA Freiburg with the topic: "European and International Civil Procedure Law".

Lecturer in the webinar in Riga/Latvia for the Academy of European Law (ERA) on "JUDICIAL COOPERATION IN CIVIL MATTERS" with the topic: "CROSS-BORDER LITIGATION: JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT".

Lecturer in the seminar of the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier on "EUROPEAN CROSS-BORDER CIVIL PROCEDURES" with the topics "Brussels I Regulation (recast)" and "Recovering cross-border debts in the EU".


21 -25 March: Lecturer at the Academy of European Law (ERA) webinar "EUROPEAN CROSS-BORDER CIVIL PROCEDURES" in Riga/Latvia on the topics "Jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters" and "Jurisdiction over consumer contracts and in matters relating to insurance". Also leading a workshop on these topics.


July 7: Workshop on the topic of "Current developments in European civil procedure law in legal relations between Germany and Italy (focus on b2b)" at the conference of the German-Italian Lawyers' Association (DIJV) in Karlsruhe.

September 25-27: Lecturer at the Academy of European Law(ERA) "EUROPEAN CROSS-BORDER CIVIL PROCEDURES" in Trier on the topic "EUROPEAN CROSS-BORDER CIVIL PROCEDURES - Legal English for Court Staff and Bailiffs". In addition, leadership of a topic-related workshop.


February 7-9: Lecturer at the Academy of European Law (ERA) "Recovering cross-border debts in the EU" in Brussels on the topic "European Payment Order" and "European Smalls Claims Procedure". Also leading the workshop on "Solving case studies on the European Payment Order"




“Die Internationale Reichweite des deutschen Mahnverfahrens im Anwendungsbereich des EuGVÜ”
A legal article published among others in the German “Anwaltsblatt” (2000, p.577 ff.) and quoted in the standard commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure “Thomas/Putzo” (23.A.) on the effective prosecution of payment claims across the borders of the EU states.

“UN-Kaufrecht für Unternehmer”
An overview of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), which is extremely important in the international trade of goods due to its regular automatic applicability; published by the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce in Milan.

“Die Richtlinie 98/5/EG zur Erleichterung der ständigen Berufsausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufs im Ausland”
In accordance with the title, the regulations and the effects of the liberalisation of the lawyers’ professional law are examined in detail, explained and assessed by the author directly concerned, himself admitted to practice in Germany and Italy. Published in the DACH series No.13 of the publishing house Dr.Otto Schmidt, Cologne.

“Die „außerordentliche Verwaltung“ („amministrazione straordinaria“) des reformierten italienischen Insolvenzrechts.”
In 2004 there were several major insolvencies in Italy, namely “Parmalat” and “Volare”, which prompted the Berlusconi government to change the special insolvency proceedings for large companies several times. The legal intervention of industrial policy in the crisis is as unusual as it is interesting from a German perspective. The proceedings also contain remarkable provisions on group and company insolvency which, from the practitioner’s point of view, are presented on the basis of the above-mentioned insolvencies. Published in Mitteilungsblatt 2/2004 of the ARGE für Internationalen Rechtsverkehr im deutschen Anwaltverein, p. 87.

“Die „außerordentliche Verwaltung“ („amministrazione straordinaria“) des reformierten italienischen Insolvenzrechts.”
The dissertation of lawyer and avvocato David Einhaus, Freiburg, deals with the extraordinary administration of large companies in crisis (amministrazione straordinaria). After a valuable, introductory overview of the entire insolvency law of Italy with its five different procedures, the author deals in detail with the industrial-political special hazard of the extraordinary administration of large companies in crisis, which was already introduced in 1979 by the so-called Legge Prodi and comprehensively reformed in 1999. The Marzano Legge, which only came into force after the collapse of the PARMALAT Group in 2004, has already been incorporated. The resulting very topical scientific consideration is also carried out from the perspective of German and European law. The focus is on the question of avoiding bankruptcy through the New Extraordinary Administration. Published by AIS-Verlag, ISBN 3 – 928633 – 01 -5. Price: EUR 25.80 plus shipping (in deviation from the nominal fee mentioned below).

“Europäisches Mahnverfahren: grenzüberschreitende Verweisung bei Unzuständigkeit ? – Stellungnahme zu Sujecki, EuZW 2005, 45.”
The European Commission has presented a proposal for a Regulation on a European order for payment procedure. The author deals with an initial opinion on the proposed regulation, which can be seen from the above title, and brings in the extensive experience of the law firm. Published in EuZW 2005, p. 165.

“Qual der Wahl: Euro päisches oder internationales deutsches Mahnverfahren?”
The new European order for payment procedure is compared with the German international order for payment procedure. Both can be used in the future, so that the consideration of the advantages and disadvantages is as important as a view of the possible problems with their application. Published in the journal Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2008, p. 323 ff.

“Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Europäischen Zahlungsbefehl – Probleme und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten”
After almost three years since the entry into force of the European order for payment procedure, the author gives an overview of the first experiences, the application problems and the need for improvement due to his intensive work in the field of cross-border activities. Published in EuZW 2011, p. 865.

“Erfahrungsbericht zur steuerlichen Rechtsberatung im Verhältnis Deutschland-Italien und aktuelle Entwicklungen”
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Steuerrecht im DAV (Hrsg.), Steueranwalt International 2015/2015, S. 127.

“Die revidierte EuGFVO im System des europäischen Zivilverfahrensrechts. Kommentar und Praxisbericht”, RIW 2018, S. 631-634.

CORONA insolvency rescission law related article "Das Insolvenzanfechtungsrecht des CORInsAG", Neue Zeitschrift für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht (NZI) Heft 9, 2020 (p. 352)

Associations and work groups

German-Italian Lawyers Association/Association for the exchange of ideas between German and Italian lawyers
Working Group International Business Law in the German Bar Association (DAV)
Working Group Commercial and Corporate Law in the German Bar Association (DAV)
Working Group Tax Law in the German Bar Association (DAV)
Associazione Internazionale Giuristi Lingua Italiana (International Association of Italian-speaking Lawyers - AIGLI)
DACH -European Bar Association

Beyond that, Dr. Avv. Einhaus is a sworn translator for the Italian language. Especially for legal documents, for example complex contracts, this is of considerable value for the quality of the translation and of considerable importance for the user of the document.

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Attorney at law Susan Salar (Partner)

Susan Salar, a lawyer, is a certified specialist in labour law and is your competent point of contact for a wide range of legal issues. She specialises in protection against dismissal, where she represents both employees and employers with in-depth expertise – both in and out of court. She supports her clients through the ups and downs of labour law disputes, be it in the drafting and review of employment contracts, the enforcement of severance claims or in conflicts surrounding target agreements and bonuses.
Another focus of her work is on Franco-German cross-border commuter law. Ms Salar has many years of experience in advising employees who live in France and work in Germany. She is familiar with the particular challenges that cross-border employment relationships entail and offers practical solutions to complex legal issues.
She is also your point of contact for all matters relating to tenancy law. She represents both tenants and landlords – whether it be in enforcing claims arising from tenancies or in terminating tenancies. Whether private or commercial tenancy law – Ms Salar ensures clarity and legal peace.
In the area of claims management, she offers efficient and targeted support to consistently enforce outstanding claims. She prioritises an individual strategy that includes both out-of-court solutions and legal action. Her expertise helps companies and private individuals to effectively secure their rights and minimise economic losses.
Ms Salar is also well-versed in general civil law. Whether it's about contract drafting, claims for damages or legal conflicts in everyday life – she will support you with her extensive knowledge.
Put your trust in Ms Salar's experience and expertise to best represent your legal interests.
Ms Salar speaks German, French and English.





As a specialist in labour law, Ms Salar advises and represents her clients in the following areas in particular:

Employment contract law:

- Preparation of employment contracts

- Review of employment contracts (especially from the perspective of the General Terms and Conditions of Business (GTC)

- Contract amendments

Protection against unfair dismissal:

- extraordinary, immediate termination without notice

- regular termination

- Dismissal protection through the Dismissal Protection Act (dismissal for operational, personal and behavioural reasons)

Change notice


Termination and liquidation agreements

Warning letter

Transfer of operations

Tenancy law (residential and commercial leases)

Property law

Attorney Salar is also available to advise you on questions regarding parental leave or maternity protection law, questions regarding co-determination and works constitution law, checking transfer/re-grouping, checking your job reference.

She speaks German, French and English.

Curriculum Vitae

Attorney Salar was born in Freiburg in Breisgau. She is married and has 2 children.

Studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg
Trainee lawyer in Freiburg, graduation with assessor examination
Admitted to the bar since 1999
Specialist lawyer for labour law since 2004

Associations and work groups

  • Member of the Association of German Labour Lawyers (VDAA)
  • Member of the German Bar Association (DAV)
  • Member of the Freiburg Bar Association
  • Member of the Labour Law Working Group of the Freiburg Bar Association
  • Member of the Labour Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
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Attorney at law Patrizia Cutaia (Partner)

Ms. Cutaia is responsible for representation in all judicial and extrajudicial matters in the field of family law, in particular divorce proceedings, separation and divorce agreements, property law with equalization of gains, marriage contracts, property disputes including division of household effects, pension equalization, separation and post-marital maintenance, child support, parental care and rights of access, cross-border family matters, separation and divorce under Italian law.

Ms. Cutaia also advises on legal matters: Labour law, copyright law, media law and general civil law.

She speaks German, Italian, Spanish and English.


Curriculum Vitae

  • Studies and legal clerkship in Hamburg and Freiburg
  • Admitted to the bar since 2000
  • Local Court – Regional Court – Higher Regional Court.

Since 2014 in shared office with Dr. Hansen & Kollegen.

Activities in family law

  • Drafting of marriage contracts
  • Legal advice and representation in connection with separation and divorce
  • Disputes over assets in the event of separation and divorce
  • Enforcement of family law claims, such as maintenance, equalisation of gains, joint and several debtor compensation
  • Regulation of the distribution of household goods,
  • Regulation of rights of access and custody
  • Advice and representation in the settlement of non-marital partnerships
  • Drafting of contracts under family company law or of company participations
  • Regulation of company succession (family pool)
  • International matrimonial and parenthood matters

Activities in inheritance law

  • Drafting of inheritance contracts
  • Advice and representation of communities of heirs
  • Inheritance proceedings
  • Inheritance certificate procedure
  • Right of forced heirship
  • Asset succession
  • International law of succession

Associations and work groups

  • Member of the German Bar Association (DAV)
  • Member of the Freiburg Bar Association
  • Member of Anwälte ohne Grenzen e.V.
  • Member of the centro culturale italiano e.V.
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Avv. Enza Ciccarello (Self-employed collaborating lawyer)

Lawyer Enza Ciccarello deals mainly with Italian civil law and in particular with inheritance law, real estate law, tenancy law, family law and debt collection. She advises on these matters and represents and defends her principals in court. Finally, she deals with insurance and damages law and cross-border enforcement, especially in Italy.

Main areas of activity

  • Italian civil law, in particular inheritance law
  • Real estate law
  • Tenancy law
  • Family law
  • Enforcement law
  • Insurance law
  • Tort law

Curriculum Vitae


Enza Ciccarello was born on 28 May 1983. She is married and has 3 children.

  • 2010: Graduated in Law from the University of Catania (Italy).
  • 2010-2012: Legal preparatory internship.
  • 2012: Preparatory course for the qualifying examination for Italian lawyers.
  • 2013: Passed the qualifying examination for Italian lawyers - Court of Appeal of Catania.
  • 2012-2014: Worked at the law firm of Prof. Emilio Castorina in Catania.
  • 2015: Admitted to the Freiburg Bar Association as an established European lawyer; started working for Rechtsanwälte Dr. Einhaus & Partner.
  • 2020: Specialist course in inheritance law.

Ms Enza Ciccarello has been a partner in the firm since  2022.




Andrea Wagner (Self-employed collaborating lawyer)

Andrea Wagner is a self-employed collaborating lawyer with own office as established lawyer (avvocato stabilito) in Bolzano, Italy. In Germany, she is admitted to the bar association in Munich.
After studying at the University of Freiburg and passing her first state examination in Baden-Württemberg, she completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich followed by her second state examination in Bavaria. She is currently pursuing the title of specialist lawyer for international commercial law.

Her work focusses in particular on cross-border constellations. She primarily advises on issues relating to corporate and commercial law, contract drafting, intellectual property and transport law. In addition, she also follows cases relating to tax law, inheritance law and corporate succession.

Associations and work groups

  • Association of German lawyers (DAV)
  • Working group International Business Law within the Association of German lawyers (DAV)
  • Working group FORUM young lawyers within the Association of German lawyers (DAV)
  • Association for the cultural exchange between Italian and German lawyers

Attorney at law Dr. Ulrich Hansen (Of Counsel)

Dr. Hansen is responsible for representation in all judicial and extra-judicial matters, for labour law, in particular employment protection law, severance pay, co-determination and works constitution law, part-time employment contracts, fixed-term employment law, commercial agency contracts and the review of employment contracts – general terms and conditions (AGB) in the employment contract.

In addition, Dr. Hansen advises in the legal areas of commercial and corporate law, European law and international private law, and general civil law.

Besides German, he fluently speaks French, Italian, Norwegian and English.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Studies and legal clerkship in Freiburg
  • Admitted to the bar in 1979
  • Local court – County court – Higher regional court
  • Specialist lawyer for labour law since 1995
  • Attorney of confidence of the Italian Consulate Freiburg
  • Holder of the Order “Stella Della Solidarietà Italiana”

Associations and work groups

German-Italian Lawyers Association/Association for the Exchange of Ideas between German and Italian Lawyers e.V.

  • Member of the German Bar Association (DAV)
  • Member of the Working Group Labour Law
  • Member of the Working Group for International Legal Relations
  • Member of the Association for the Promotion of the Center of France of the University of Freiburg i.Br. e.V.


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Rosanna Urban

Rosanna Urban has been a legal assistant at Dr. Einhaus & Partner since 2012.

She is a qualified legal assistant and, in addition to administrative and organisational activities, supports the lawyers responsible for debt collection and enforcement.

She speaks German, English and Italian.

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Silvia Cormaci

Silvia Cormaci has been supporting the law firm as a trainee lawyer since December 2020, in particular assisting the lawyers in all areas of expertise.

She successfully passed her first state exam in July 2020 in Florence and in September 2024 she completed her LL.M. aka master's degree in German and European law with a focus on international private law at the University of Freiburg.

She is currently a research assistant, AI officer and data protection officer at the law firm.

She speaks Italian, English, French, German and Spanish.


Newroz Dogan

Ms Dogan is a paralegal trainee in her second year of dual training at Dr.Einhaus & Partner. She is fully involved in administration and client care.

She speaks German, Kurdish and English.

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Celina Zöller

Ms Zöller has been with Dr Einhaus & Partner since her training as a paralegal.

She is responsible for dunning procedures and enforcement proceedings and also performs administrative and client support tasks.

She speaks German and English.


Joana Schälike

Joana Schälike is the latest addition to Dr. Einhaus & Partner. She has been a trainee paralegal in the dual training programme since 2024 and is fully involved in administration and client care.

She speaks German, Spanish and English.


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